White papers and other materials

IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) material:

Innovations in Digital Twins (March 2021)

Digital_Transformation_in_Industry_Whitepaper (July 2020)

Compilation of Testbed Results (February 2020)

Digital Twins for Industrial Applications (February 2020)

The Edge Computing Advantage (October 2019)

Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (June 2019)

Industrial Internet of Things Analytics Framework (October 2017)

Industrial Internet of Things Connectivity Framework (February 2017)

Business Strategy and Innovation Framework (November 2016)

IIC New Member Orientation


Other White papers:

City data spaces:  A guide to building and operationalising data services (2023) (Link to FIWARE Foundation download page)

The State of Industrial Augmented Reality 2019

The State of Industrial internet of Things 2019: Spotlight on Operational Effectiveness

Holistic approach to 6G networks white paper 2021 (Link to VTT download page)


AI Materials:

World Economic Forum: AI in Action: Beyond Experimentation to Transform Industry

Haaga-Helian raportti Tehoa tekoälystä pk-yrityksille, myös englanniksi Empowering SMEs with Artificial Intelligence -opas

Industry IoT Consortium: IoT Artificial Intelligence Framework (IIAIF) viitekehysdokumentti

Teknologiateollisuus: Teollisen datan playbook 

Business Finland: AI in Manufacturing – Finnish German collaboration initiatives

Germany’s platform for artificial intelligence

TEM: Tekoäly 4.0 -ohjelma Ensimmäinen väliraportti: käynnistysvaiheesta toteutusvaiheeseen (31.5.2021)

TEM: Edelläkävijänä tekoälyaikaan – tekoälyohjelman loppuraportti

Vinnova:  Artificiell intelligens i svenskt näringliv och samhälle

Vinnova: AI-miljöer i Sverige

Tekoälyn kokonaiskuva ja kansallinen osaamiskartoitus – loppuraportti

McKinsey: An executive’s guide to AI

Mathworks: Getting Started with Machine Learning

Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (FAIA):  The State of AI in Finland

Business Finland: Artificial Intelligence from Finland


EU Materials:

European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering (May 2021)