Optimization and Resilience in Industrial Cyber Security
A cyber attack on a German steel mill in 2016 was the trigger for the CyberFactory#1 project, revealed Jarno Salonen of VTT in the FIIF event, which disseminated the project results.
The CyberFactory#1 (2018-2022) project aimed at designing, developing, integrating and demonstrating a set of key enabling capabilities to foster optimization and resilience of the Factories of the Future (FoF). With 29 partners from seven countries, it implemented pilots from Transportation, Automotive, Electronics and Machine manufacturing industries around use cases such as statistical process control, real time asset tracking, distributed manufacturing, and collaborative robotics.

Matthias Glawe, Airbus DE and Linda Feeken, DLR presented their pilot on developing and using a Digital Twin of a decentralized robot fleet.

Jari Partanen ,Bittium, presented the work on development of Cybersecure Architecture to improve Cyber Resilience.
Presentations of the event are available for FIIF partners via the partner login.