Technology insights and customer contacts are main reasons for joining FIIF – Results from 2018 FIIF member survey released

In February 2018, DIMECC organized an online survey to collect feedback and suggestions directly from FIIF members. The survey was sent to all FIIF contact persons, of which 69 participated in the survey. Detailed results can be found here. Below are some highlights and key findings.

Main reasons for joining FIIF: “Insights about new trends and technologies” and “Contacts with potential customers” are the two top reasons, getting support from as high as 78 % and 65 % of the respondents, respectively. The next most popular reasons are “Networking with peers” (58 %) and “Insights about new business models” (55 %), followed by “Information about on-going research activities” (38 %) and “Contacts with suppliers” (33 %).

The next Hot Topics: “New business models” tops this list, as it is chosen by 57 % of the res­pond­ents. “Artificial Intelligence” (51 %) is second, followed by “Data analytics” (39 %) – which is closely related with AI. The next three topics – “Software platforms”, “AR/VR” and “Blockchain” – get support from about 30 % of the respondents.

FIIF’s services: FIIF members really like FIIF events! They are the main channel for sharing the latest information and experiences between the participating companies. In addition to providing a forum for high-quality presentations and discussions, FIIF events also serve as an important platform for contacts and networking – both between peers as well as between potential partners and customers.

FIIF 2.0: In order to make the events even better, we will link them with other communities, events and activities, like startups, hackathons and DIMECC’s Demobooster. We will make FIIF more international through closer co-operation with, for example, IIC (USA) and Industrie 4.0 (Germany). This means that in future more FIIF events and materials will be in English. Besides becoming more international FIIF will be also more regional and local, as we plan to organize FIIF events also outside the capital region – and perhaps even over the web to make participation easier.