FIIF Event on ”The New Human Factor – AI Meets Employee and Customer Experience” (Jun 4, 2019, Tampere, Finland)
Next FIIF Event on “The New Human Factor – AI Meets Employee and Customer Experience” is organised June 4th, 2019 between 16.15–19.00 in Tampere. The event takes place as a side event of MPD, which makes the registration process different from usual. All FIIF members are welcome to register for the event at the MPD registration page. When registering, use the invitation code MPD2019DIMECC, since only invited members are allowed in the event. In the registration process, there is a possibility to choose participation in a side event, and in this part you can find the FIIF event.

Doctor Kazuo Yano is known for both his groundbreaking AI work and as top expert in happiness research, making it possible to measure happiness digitally. Photo: Hitachi.
Opening words by FIIF Manager Risto Lehtinen, DIMECC Ltd
Dr. Kazuo Yano, Fellow, Corporate Officer and Corporate Chief Scientist, Hitachi Ltd, Japan: How AI is Making Workers Happier
As preliminary reading, Dr. Yano’s article titled ” How AI is making workers happier” is available on Hitachi America’s Social Innovation Business website.
Andreas Markewärn, Digital Strategist at Digitalist Group: Know me, Coach me, Predict me – how to stay relevant in the age of digital
Mikko Dufva, Leading Foresight Specialist at Sitra: Three ways to approach futures of work in the age of AI
Panel discussion
Final words